John Patrick Woods, Republican, Senate District 7, of Broadview, representing Curry, Quay & Union County/counties. In the Senate since 2012.
Employment: at self-employed, rancher
Spouse: Eva Woods
Income sources: farming and ranching; Farmers Electric Coop Trustee/John Woods, USDA/John Woods, Wind development/John Woods, Real estate/Eva Woods
Real estate: John Woods/Curry and Quay/farm and ranch land; John Woods/Curry and Quay/rental property on vacant land; Eva Woods/Curry, Quay, Santa Fe and Roosevelt/ranch, rental and vacant land; Eva Woods/Curry, Quay, Santa Fe and Roosevelt/ranch land and rental property
Business interests of $10,000 or more: Woods Farms/John Woods/agriculture; ZC Partnership/John Woods/agriculture;
Licenses held: GB98 construction/Eva Woods;
Capitol phone: 505-505-986-4393
Work phone:
Home phone: (575) 357-8594